GEOVIA Mining Software Training

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PARAMINA Solutions offers a wide variety of mining software training courses for beginner, intermediate and advanced users of GEOVIA  software. Courses are available on both a scheduled and request basis and can be tailored to suit your needs. We can also train you at your site using your data.

Why take training from us?

As the technical consultant of the software, we can recommend time-saving workflows, and provide latest innovations that will enable you to unleash its full potential.
We offer a training path that allows you to add new software skills as your operational requirements grow and to help you advance your career.

Globally, we have mining professionals with local language and cultural understanding, and expertise encompassing modelling, design, scheduling, data management, automated workflows, system configuration, and points in between.

Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA Surpac Training Course Outlines

Duration3 days
Description and ObjectivesWhether you are just starting out with Surpac, or want to refresh your knowledge, this introductory training course will give you the skills you need to perform common functions and use the software productively. It will serve as a basis for advanced training.
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
OverviewSoftware installation and licensing
Surpac data types and file name format
Project set-up and management
Interface: Graphics, information display, control
Surpac online and offline help
Data HandlingString concepts, file structure, and information handling
Styles for strings Grid display
Data CreationBasic digitizing techniques
Managing data in layers
SurfacesDTM concepts and conventions
Breaklines and file preparation
Creating and validating DTMs
SolidsBasic solid creation and viewing
Solid editing, validation, and repair
Reporting volume of solids
Solid intersection with DTM / 3DM
Mesh Tools *Tools for analysis and editing of DTMs including point clouds
File Tools *Functions for the advanced editing and manipulation of strings
Block ModellingBlock model concepts (Definition, Constraints, Attributes)
Creating attributes and constraints Display / coloring a model by attribute
Partial Percentage
Basic Block model report
PlottingBasic autoplot
Plotting Sheet overview
Duration3 days
Description This training is for Geologists and Engineers (or other mining professionals) involved in resource estimation but is not using geostatistics At the completion of the training, the following concepts should be understood:
+ Knowledge on geological databases in Surpac
+ Knowledge on mapping and importing geological data
+ Knowledge on displaying drillholes and sectioning
+ Knowledge on creating simple solid wireframes
+ Understand block modelling concepts and creation
+ Estimation using inverse distance
+ Reporting an estimated block model
PrerequisitesSurpac Foundation or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Geological DatabaseDatabase structure 
Displaying Data 
Creating Composites 
Solid modellingCreating different solids using various functions 
Volume calculations 
Solid tools and manipulation 
Block ModellingBlock modelling for geologists
Creating a block model 
Reporting tonnes and grade
Basic Statistics
Swath Plot
Grade tonnage Plot
Assigning values 
Inverse distance calculations 
External data importImport/export tools
File plottingOverview 
Plot entities  and creating of the plot file
Duration3 days
Description This training is for Geologists and Engineers (or other mining professionals) involved in resource estimation using geotatistics
At the completion of the training, the following concepts should be understood:
· Understand block modelling concepts and creation
· Variography
· Ordinary Kriging Estimation
· Block Model Validation
· Resource Classification
· Knowledge on simple TCL macro recording and playback**
PrerequisitesSurpac Basic Geology and Experienced User or with Surpac Foundation
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Geological Data
Distribution of data
Sample Analysis
Data Transformation
VariographyCalculating Variograms
Variogram Interpretation
Modeling Anisotropy
Variogram Validation
Estimation Method
Ordinary Kriging
Surpac Interpolator Concept
Block Size AnalysisComparing cross-sectional data with model values
Grade-tonnage curves
Basic Statistics of model values
Trend Analysis
Block Model
Plot entities  and creating of the plot file
ClassificationResource Classification
Duration5 days
DescriptionThis training is for Geologists and Engineers (or other mining professionals) involved in resource estimation. At completion, the following concepts should be understood:
·     Geological drillhole database import and usage
·     Usage of Basic Statistics
·     Creating Wireframes and Solids Generation
·     Variography
·     Understand block modelling concepts and creation
·     Estimation: Inverse Distance and Ordinary Kriging
·     Block Model Validation
·     Resource Classification
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Geological DatabaseDatabase Structure, Display, and Usage
Creating Composites
Solids ModellingCreating different solids using various functions
Volume Calculations
Geological Data
Distribution of data
Sample Analysis
VariographyVariogram Interpretation
Modeling Anisotropy
Variogram Validation
Block ModellingBlock modelling for geologists Creating a block model  Optimum Block Size Block Model Constraints and Attributes Block Model Reporting
Estimation MethodInverse Distance
Ordinary Kriging
Block Model
Comparing cross-sectional data with model values
Grade-tonnage curves
Basic Statistics of model values
Trend Analysis
ClassificationResource Classification
Duration2 days
Description Equip the user with the necessary software skills for proper underground mine design
PrerequisitesSurpac Foundation or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Block modellingBlock model concepts
Creating a block model 
Creating attributes 
Creating/applying constraints 
Reporting tonnes and grade
Open Pit DesignSetting up ramps
All cut ramps
Multi-bench design
Slope design options
Designing a switchback
Creating a DTM and DTM tools
Volume Reports
Waste Dump DesignDesigning a Waste Dump
Haul Road DesignRoad design tools
File PlottingOverview
Plot Entities
Create Plot File
Look-up file properties
Duration2 days
DescriptionEquip the user with the necessary software skills for proper underground mine design
PrerequisitesSurpac Foundation or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Block modellingBlock model concepts Creating a block model  Creating attributes  Creating/applying constraints  Reporting tones and grade
Stope DesignerStope Design Workflow
Digitize Stope Outline
Create Polygon using Drafting Tools
Stope SlicerSlice by elevation
Slice by stopes
Define exclusion in stope slicing
Create AccessCreating a centerline design
Create a centerline between ore zones
Creating a decline
Creating road outlines (fixed and variable widths)
Creating a solid based on outlines
Calculate volume of an underground design
Duration2 days
DescriptionEquip the user with the necessary software skills for stope optimization and proper underground mine design
PrerequisitesSurpac Foundation or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Block modelling
Review *
Block model concepts
Creating attributes 
Creating/applying constraints 
Reporting tonnes and grade
Basic Stope Design
Basic Mine Planning  Concepts
Stope Design Workflow
Digitize Stope Outline
Create Polygon using Drafting Tools
Strategic Planning
Economic Evaluation
Optimization Theory
File Formats
Surpac Stope
Stope Framework
Slice Definition
Stope Geometry
Optimization Control
Outputs and Reporting
Create AccessCreating a centerline design
Create a centerline between ore zones
Creating a decline
Creating road outlines (fixed and variable widths)
Creating a solid based on outlines
Calculate volume of an underground design
Duration1 day
DescriptionProvide the user with software skills for surface drill and blast planning and reporting
PrerequisitesSurpac Foundation or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Drill and BlastDesign, Charge, report blast hole patterns
Duration1 day
DescriptionProvide the user with software skills for underground ring design
PrerequisitesSurpac Foundation or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Ring Design
Creating a centerline
Setting up the RigCreate a DTM of a floor string
Slicing Objects
Rig Set-up
Set Drilling Parameters
Moving the mastMoving and rotating the mast
Create and ReportingCreate and edit holes
Duration1 day
DescriptionFor participants to have a functional overview on how to utilize Surpac Macros, and gain the foundation for scripting in Surpac
PrerequisitesSurpac Foundation or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Setting up for MacroSurpac Settings
Alias Files
Menus and Toolbars
Macros ConceptsUsing the _action switch
Command Substitution
Basic User FormsCreating Simple Forms
Using GUIDO Switches
GUIDO Elements
Useful TCL CommandsExpr Command
Manipulate Text Strings
File Handling
Processing Coordinate Data
TCL Lists
Graphics CommandsData Hierarchy
Surpac Work Area
Object Commands
Point Commands
Flow Control in TCLDecisions with IF command
Looping and iteration
Display / coloring a model by attribute
Partial Percentage
Basic Block model report
Duration3 days
DescriptionThis training is designed to enable the Mine Geologist or designate to add new data to the database and grade control model, not limited to drilling, surface sampling, in a quick and efficient manner. This system could be redesigned to suit the daily activities of the mine geologist, while maintaining consistency in methodology and file locations.
This system would utilize the database platform and a link to DS Geovia Surpac for the input and updating of the grade control model.
PrerequisitesSurpac Geology
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
DrillholesDisplay Drillholes
Flagging Intervals
Compositing Drillholes
Block ModelBlock Model Constraints
Domaining definition
Grade Estimation
Color Block Model by Attribute
Grade ControlExtract Block Model Grade
Display Block Model and Solids
Ore design
Ore Grade
Block ID Nomenclature
Dig PlansEntities and Maps
File Plotting
Create Plot Maps

Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA MineSched Training Course Outlines

Duration4 days
DescriptionFor mine planners conducting short term or long term scheduling for underground mines. This will help ensure practical schedules can be produced using DS GEOVIA MineSched
PrerequisitesSurpac Surface Engineering or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Data PreparationDefine Geology
Setup Development
Schedule Set-upBlock Model Parameters
Material Flow
Production Parameters
Create Schedule
Target Parameters
Schedule EditSchedule analysis and update
Publish ResultsGraphical Results
Custom Reports
Export to Surpac

Duration4 days
DescriptionFor mine planners conducting short term or long term scheduling for underground mines. This will help ensure practical schedules can be produced using DS GEOVIA MineSched
PrerequisitesSurpac Underground Engineering or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Data ReviewPit Design
Block Model Reporting and Validation
Schedule Set-upBlock Model Parameters
Location Management
Time Periods
Validation Graphs
Schedule EditSchedule analysis and update
Publish ResultsGraphical Results
Custom Reports
Export to Surpac

Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA Whittle Training Course Outlines

Duration3 days
DescriptionThis course covers software skills for the implementation of the principles of strategic mine planning using Surpac and Whittle. Recommended for Mine Planners who are experienced Surpac users but are new to Whittle.
PrerequisitesSurpac Surface Engineering or Experienced User
Course OutlineConceptsTopics
Optimization Theory
Pit Optimization Theory
Optimization Algorithms
Block Value 
Whittle Concepts
Revenue Factors
Ore Selection Discussion
Block Model Concepts
Block Model Dimensions
Block Model Attributes
Optimization in WhittleProject Creation
Block Model Import
Grade Tonnage Graphs
Reblock Node
Slope Set Node
Pit Shell Node
Operational Scenario
Choosing a pit shell
in Whittle
Spider Diagram
Pit by Pit Graph
Schedule Graph and Bench Schedules
Reporting in Whittle
Importing into SurpacImporting of Whittle shells and schedules into Surpac
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