Mining Services

We offer feasibility studies, design and engineering services, mining services and mining software solutions.

When you don’t have the in-house expertise or time available, PARAMINA Technical Consultants can help you with your geology, engineering, and operations needs. We can also provide you with knowledge and tools that enable you to increase productivity. Our expertise spans modelling, design, optimization, scheduling, data management, automated workflows, system configuration, and all points in between.


From exploration to mine operations, PARAMINA’s geologists can help you with your resource needs and enable you to better organize your geological data. Our geology services include orebody and seam modelling, statistical analysis, resource estimation, data management, and more.

Mining Services Geology
Mining Services Engineering


Whether you need to determine mine feasibility, optimize economics, are developing an operation or are already in production, PARAMINA’s engineers are available to assist you. Our engineering services include open pit and underground mine design, pit optimization, development and production scheduling, caving, tailings modelling, and more.


To help you increase productivity, our services professionals will work with your team to lend operational assistance from the short to the long term. We can assist with grade control, planning, blast design, and reporting. We can also ensure that your systems are functioning at their optimal level of performance. PARAMINA can automate and document your workflows and enable you to centralize and manage your data more effectively.

Mining Services Operations
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